CASE OF ADVENTURE - Countries for Kids

Scotland Adventure

Scotland Adventure with novel A Clash of Swords in Scotland


A comprehensive study of Scotland presented in the most fun way ever!
You’ll feel as if you’ve really been there! A kid’s mystery story (written from a Biblical perspective) and an Adventure Book filled with tons of activities, learning and fun stuff to do.

Welcome to my country of Scotland. My name is SAUNDRA and I am Scottish. My Mum and Dad are Scottish as well. My Dad plays the bagpipes in a pipe band and they own a smal shop that sells tartan kilts, berets, sashes and covers for bagpipe bags. My Mum creates all our merchandise on her sewing machine. She’s a very talented seam-stress. I love Highland dancing and have danced in many local competitions. I wear my kilt when I dance. The tartan has a history that goes back many generations in our family. I love listening to my grandmother tell stories about life back then – battles between clans on the rugged moors, brave men and women – and how we won our freedom as a nation. Have you heard of heroes like Robert the Bruce and William Wallace? This country is filled with mystery – the misty moors, the ancient castles, and of course, the Loch Ness Monster! You’ll have fun learning about about Scottish Clan Chiefs, Jacobite symbols, swords stashed away in secret places and most exciting of all – you’ll join in the hunt for the missing honours of Scotland!

A Clash of Swords in Scotland story

An old-fashioned villain in an ancient castle… brought down by a boy! Rome closed his eyes. He heard the clash of steel against steel and felt the jerk of his arm as it struggled to support the huge weight of the steel sword with its sharp gleaming blade. Crash! Rome staggered backwards almost knocked off his feet by the blow. He lifted his sword again to defend himself as the enemy’s horse reared up next to him. He knew the next blow would be fatal! It was now or never. Rome raised his sword and struck with all his might.

A new Earl, an old diary, a sgian dubh and a missing dirk! Castles, swords, armor, mystery, the crown jewels and a tour of Scotland! Enjoy it with Ren, Rome, Jake and Libby as your tour guides.

Destination Scotland - Case of Adventure

Scotland Adventure 2nd Edition

Your children will learn about life and food in Scotland, the Loch Ness Monster, Jacobite uprisings, swords hidden in roofs, secrets of ancient Scotland, the Scottish castles and clan system and much more. They will travel around Scotland and experience it as if they were tourists! Discovery Agent missions at the end of each chapter!

Use this book as a springboard for your students to delve into a study of Scotland – of its unique history, its cuisine, its animals and its countryside. Complete the mission clues at the end of each chapter and experience this wonderful country with your family as you read.

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