How to Permanently Recover from Burnout as a Homeschool Mom – Part 2
Last time we talked the first steps to permanently recovering from burnout. You can read the post here. To recap, they were: Take some time to recover. Get some inspiring input. Figure out your priorities. Put in the big rocks first. Let talk more about what further steps to take to fully recover from burnout and banish it from your life forever! 5. DECIDE WHAT TO CUT DOWN ON OR TO CUT OUT COMPLETELY Once you know what your big rocks are, it will be easier to see what is less important in the season you are in. Remember that cutting out things need not be permanent and you may…
How to Permanently Recover from Burnout as a Homeschool Mom – Part 1
Today we are going to talk about the subject of burnout and how to permanently recover from it! I was a few days from a product launch. With homeschool a priority during the week, the past few weekends had been crazy with me working at every possible moment and my awesome hubby looking after the children – and everything else. That last weekend had thrown me full-on into launch mode and the kids only saw me for a few minutes at mealtimes. I was fast approaching burnout. My three-year-old was yelling a lot. The other children were restless. They all needed Mom back. We needed time for cuddles, kisses and a…